Perancangan Sendok Makan Parkinson dengan Metode PID berbasis Arduino
Keywords: Parkinson, MPU6050 Sensor, PID ControllerAbstract
Parkinson's disease is a progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects the part of the brain that coordinates body movement. Tremors that often occur in the patient's hands can cause difficulty while eating. One method that can be used as assistive devices for Parkinson's sufferers is to make a spoon that can remain relatively stable. In this study, Parkinson's spoon is made equipped with an MPU6050 sensor which is used to read the rotational movement of the spoon. The read value will be forwarded to the Arduino Nano microcontroller and then calculated using the complementary filter method and the PID (Proportional Integral Derivative). Tuning on the values of Kp, Ki, and Kd in this research was done by trial and error method. In this research, the most optimal PID constant values were obtained, namely Kp = 0.7, Ki = 0.5, and Kd = 20 both on the pitch axis and roll axis. The results of the PID calculation will drive the SG90 servo motor to stabilize the spoon. Testing the percentage error of the MPU6050 sensor was carried out with 6 trials of different angles on the pitch and roll axes. The average error percentage on the pitch axis was 3.23%. and 2.583% on the roll axis. Based on testing the stability of the system against movement, spoon of Parkinson's can stabilize fairly quickly if it is moved slowly despite the initial overshoot, which the highest peak was -21,49 degrees on the pitch axis and -14,89 degrees on the roll axis. However, if the hands vibrate violently, in general the spoon still oscillates between -10 degrees and 10 degrees both on the pitch and roll axis.
Keywords: Parkinson, MPU6050 Sensor, PID Controller
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