Rancang Bangun Maximum Power Point Tracking pada Panel Surya dengan Metode Incremental Conductance Menggunakan Zeta Konverter
Incremental Conductance, Maximum Power Point Tracking, Photovoltaic, Zeta ConverterAbstract
Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) is a method of maintaining the maximum output power of solar panels when the power of the solar panel changes over time due to the influence of the load or intensity of sunlight. This research proposed designing MPPT on photovoltaic using the Incremental Conductance method. The incremental Conductance method controls the duty cycle when the voltage and current change values ?I/?V>-I/V. This system uses one solar panel with a power capacity of 100 Wp, a ZETA converter as a DC-DC converter to lower the voltage, and used a load 12V/5W DC lamp. From the tests that have been carried out, the tracking time for MPPT Incremental Conductance is 4,5 seconds with a maximum power of 63,9015 Watt with irradiation of sunlight 813 W/m2. The average power without MPPT is 51,215 Watt, and by using MPPT Incremental Conductance, the average power is 57,274 Watt. So, there is an increase in power when using the MPPT Incremental Conductance control.
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